Rajasthan State Government Online Apnakhata, Land Records Check Free अपना खाता at apnakhata.raj.nic.in. राजस्थान अपना खाता से जमाबन्दी (नक़ल ) कैसे निकाले at Apna khata Rajasthan राजस्थान अपनाखाता.राज.nic.इन
Apna khata Rajasthan
Apnakhata Rajasthan Land records online checking process are available from so many years on internet web. So who want to check their rajasthan state land records through online those all candidates can check their reports for free of cost at official website of rajasthan government www.apnakhata.raj.nic.in.We provided full detailed procedure below just follow steps to check land records online.
Apna Khata Rajasthan Land Records Check Online?
This is very simple procedure to check rajasthan apnakhata land records
- First visit Rajashatan Apnakhata land records website http://apnakhata.raj.nic.in/LRCLogin.aspx
- Select District (Which Land you want to see)
- And select Tehsil & Jambandi year (Gatt/Chalu)
- Select which village you want to check record
- Then select your katha number
- (or) You can search it by name & khasra & khata also
- Fill the details in blanks correctly
- press submit & search button
With in a minute Rajasthan state apna khata online website will be displayed your land records in your computer screen. In all land records are correct take a copy print out for future reference. Thank your if you got any mistakes in the land record please contact revenue department office number By searching on this link http://apnakhata.raj.nic.in/.
This website is very useful to all rajasthan citizens you can check you land records 24×7 days. You can check and download you land records from any internet cafe or any computer with internet from any state and any country. apna khata website will work perfectly on internet explorer 6.0 above. Some times in Mozilla Firefox and google chrome is not user friendly. So our suggestion is please use internet explorer 6.0 or above versions for better experience. Thanks for reading this article if you have any doubts please comment below we will reply to your questions as soon as possible.
Apna Khata Rajasthan APP Download
You can download from android store. visit apna khatha e-dharthi 1.0 website http://apnakhata.raj.nic.in/